Is the teacher handsome?

on Saturday, October 29, 2011
This story occured in middle of 2005. I taught on education institution in Surabaya. I taught Office Computer Program. In this program, I had six students. I common came earlier before my students. This day was the second meeting. Same with before, I came early too. Without students, Computer Laboratory was very silent. I tried to turn On students Computer and browsed any Internet News like and Sometimes I tried to access to sign in Yahoo Messenger. Because in this institution, we couldn't chat with YM Software. YM Port was blocked by administrator.

When I was surfing and chatting, suddenly two sweet girls came and sat beside me. These were new students. She looked at me and gave a nice smile. I replied her smile with nice smile too. One of them asked a question.
“Is this Office Computer Class?”
“Yaps. Are you new student?” I replied.
“Yes, I am. And emm.. Actually, I’m late register. How many meetings have we had until today?
“Today is second meeting”
“How many students do join this class?”
“The last meeting we had six students. And today with you, there are eight students.
“What about the teacher? Man or woman?”
“The teacher is a man”
“Wow really?” She looked happy.
“Is the teacher good?”
“I think commonly. Not good.. but not bad. Commonly look like another teacher.”
“Is the teacher handsome?” She looked anxiously.
“Why you give me this question?”
“Because I like the handsome teacher.”
“Hehehe.. you are very funny:
“Why did you say I am funny?” She ask question again.
“What do you find? Will you Study or find a handsome teacher?

“Hahaha.. I will study but I have feel and have support when I study with a handsome teacher.”
“I think you will be disappointed, because in my opinion the teacher is not handsome. Yaps.. just so so. But I don’t know because handsome, pretty is feeling. A different person has a different feeling”
“Yaps, you are right. But I think you can’t appraise because you are man.”
“Why can you tell about that?”
“Huum, because all teachers in this institution are handsome hehehe…” She smiled.
“Yach I hope so. I hope you enjoy in this class, and faind what you want” I closed this conversation and continued browsing and chatting, and she smiled.

Five minutes after conversation, one by one students enter this class, and seven minutes after that the ball rang. I stood up and walked in front of class to start the class. I looked my new student and gave her nice smile. She stood up and walked up to me. She told with low voice and reddened face.
“Im sorry, sir. I don’t know if you are my teacher. I think you are student”
“Oh no problem. Don’t worry.”I answered wisely. (aw)


sigit said...'s nice experience..
so, you looked young at that time!!!
nice nice

hasan said...

it is like my story at Mahesa institute

anne said...

it's fery funny..
post again..

Agus Waluyo said...

:D. Thanks.

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